Welcome to Ash31 weather station
Our weather station is located in Ash, Hampshire.
Bringing local weather for Ash community.
Rain, wind, air quality, UV levels, pressure and more.
Our weather data is free.
Met office
Sharing weather observations with the Met Office since 2022.
Met Office Award
Ash31 weather station has a Met Office Gold Award for observations
Ash, Hampshire sky TimeLapse video
Enjoy a timelapse video of the sky.
Station information
The Station is a ecowitt WS90 Weather Station, Rain Temperature, humidity, wind direction/speed, light,and UV levels.
It also has a separate lightning detection sensor with a range 0-25 miles, outside air quality sensor, wetness sensor, soil temperature sensor, self emptying rain gauge and a sky webcam.
You can view all the observations.
The Ecowitt weather station will Update every minute.
The sky webcam updates every 5 minutes.
We also have a netatmo weather station.
Ecowitt Dashboard
Updates every minute
Sky Webcam
Scan the QR code to view the sky webcam.
Click on todays date, slide the bar to the end for the latest image.
You are very welcome to come and join our facebook groups, netatmo weather stations group, Barometer and Ash weather group. They are part of Ash31 weather station to see more time lapse videos, head over to our Ash31 Youtube channel.