Ash31 weather station 

 Ash31 weather station 


 Netatmo weather station 


I hope you find some useful information about the Netatmo weather station, if you own one or are thinking about buying one.

It all started a long time ago for me, with the Netatmo Weather station. Originally, all there was, was the Netamo weather station inside and outside module, then came along the rain gauge and the anemometer.

 I just wanted to do more with my station, but I didn't know how.

Searching on the web to find a way to share my station observations, then I found Meteoware plus and you can link a Third party Application to your account. 

My station 

 is sharing observations to the weather networks. anemometer and outdoor sensor temperature are on a pole. The temperature is shielded in a Netatmo Weather station shield. 

The 5-inch rain gauge is at ground level on a small pole. This weather station works very well and I have been using it for many years.

Weather networks 

 Just search for Meteoware plus, there is no complicated coding.  It work's with the Met Office and others great software, if you want to share your observations from your station.

Apps that work with Netatmo weather on the Play Store

Plain atmo

Netatmo average temperature

Smartmixin weather

Netatmo simple widget

If you know of any other apps that work with the Netatmo weather station, please let me know via the contact page and I will add them thank you.


You are very welcome to come and join netatmo weather stations Facebook group

Magic eye

Magic eye

Magic eye

Magic eye

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